Kito the Adventurer: Next Adventure...

This blog was created. Lots of exciting things going on -- life has lots of twists and turns. Hopefully, we'll all keep it real; keep it complex. Best regards, Kito Robinson

Friday, May 19, 2006


My going away party ("GAP") is tonight. I'm going to have door prizes at my party. It'll be fun. I'm a little sad. I use to, long time ago, when I was left a city or people I liked left a city, I'd give lots of presents. Maybe some of my behavior stemmed from my hope that people won't forget me. I miss everyone already.

Buddhist have a principle about attachment --
The idea is to not have attachment, or, if you do, then recognize that the attachment will cause you suffering. It's about all attachments, including those attachments to family, friends, cars, etc. The idea is to live as much in the present. And be open to doing what you need to do here, so that you can learn lessons that will help you move closer to finding your way. You also influence folks' life along the way.

So, when the KC Crew first said they'd have a GAP for me, my first thought was -- "door prizes." I gathered a few of my favorite things. I want to give everything away, or whatever anyone wants. Okay, maybe I just need to pack a little too and rent the UHAUL. I suffer!!!

Cool idea for "door prizes" is that I'll have a list of phrases or words (collectivelly, "IT") and whoever says IT will receive a door prize. I have five or six prizes. I'm excited.


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