Angry Encounter
The other day someone was mean to my mom. My mom called me and explained the situation. She had the mean person call me. I don't think I'd ever been so mad at anyone before. He was just being a bully. At first the anger felt like a flash of warm light on my checks. The feeling quickly disappeared as I imagined the bridges that connect us as human. Then I thought of waiting until the mean person steps on his bridge to walk towards me. I'd set the bridge on fire. I reminded myself to breathe -- and instead my breathing sounded like a hiss -- breathe -- grunt -- breathe -- growl. The left side of my top lip curved up. And I wondered if I could have a rationale, intelligent, or effective conversation if I stayed so angry.
The mean person called. And I could feel the blood rush to my face, especially my cheeks and nose. My hands became cold and my body shivered slightly. I first noticed the shivering began in my shoulder. There was a vein on the right side of my neck that began to pulsate. I tucked away as much as could at the instant it happened. It seemed that my hearing was alittle off. I squinted and looked out of the corner of my eyes -- it seemed to make hearing easier. Then my voice shifted from resonnating mainly in my throat and began to spread over my whole mouth -- first the back of my tongue, the bounced off the inside of my cheeks, my clinched jaw relaxed, the words found their way to the tip of my tongue, and rolled over my teeth. Was I less angry? My hands were still cold, though. I knew the mean person's secret; he knew mine. Should I shift my attitude? I realized I was bored; he can't hurt my mom; he knows it and I know it.
It was an incredible experience.
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