I'm the girl stuck in traffic
The ART:
I did some background acting work for 3-4 weeks. I learned a lot and had fun too. Of course, I found books that describe and outline a career or SAG voucher expedition a la background acting. I also created a booklet that will help be organize bookings, auditions, submissions, etc.
I also got new headshots. Check me out at me, me, me, me.
I am writing an article for KC Stage, a performance art magazine in Kansas, Missouri Metropolitan Area. It's due in two days. Oh, I should do something boring. Yeah. No, it's exciting. I just need to organize it better.
And I have a new schedule for exercising and doing (sprint distance) triathlons.
The LAW:
Last weekend I was kind of sick. One of my friends called to laugh at me if I was at work. "No you're hanging out with me today," I yelled. We saw a guy hanging out venice beach and a sign laid next to him as he slept on the ground. The sign exclaimed, "friends don't let friends get jobs." Message from a prophet?
I'm thinking of holding up at venice beach too. maybe get a bowl, some artwork from some 2-weeks to being an artist course, and a sign taped to my bowl that reads "make your own change." I'm thinking a big rainbow colored umberella, a lounge chair, and books to read. My friend thinks it's a good idea, but then he started adding legal services to it and making me talk to people, real money, and well, he ruined a perfectly good idea.
Then this weekend, I got yelled at for working my temp legal job (it pays more than minimum wage) by friends and family. One of my girlfriends called me 5 times within 30 minutes and yelled at me to get my ass out of the office on Friday. I was in the office until 8 pm and the folks we were meeting were already drunk. Then my mom fuses at me today about being in the office on a Saturday and a Sunday. "Surely there can't be that much work to do," she says in her outside voice. "Sue me," I think.
Then one of my aunts ask me about "waiting" for the bar results. I'm living my life; I'm not waiting; I have two law licenses and people who will hire me for more than minimum hourly wages; I'm not waiting; I'm sitting in traffic (minimum of 20 minutes to pass the intersection of LaCienega and Rodeo); I'm not waiting. Twenty minutes (I have a good sense when it passes) later the same person tells me her daughter wants to be an actress, what a waste of education she says. I ask what subject her daughter's B.A. is in. Business and economic she says. I tell her it's not a waste, acting is a business and her degree will come in handy. Besides my cousin works at Banana Repubic, can we say "discount"?
Everybody just sue me.