Kito the Adventurer: Next Adventure...

This blog was created. Lots of exciting things going on -- life has lots of twists and turns. Hopefully, we'll all keep it real; keep it complex. Best regards, Kito Robinson

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Your Greasy Granny

I remember when I was a kid it was important to wish evil upon people who were mean to me. For example, a down right clever come back to any insult was to tell the person either (1) I know you are what am I; or the infamous (2) your momma, your daddy, your greasy granny got holes in her panties.

I felt it was completely appropriate because I could spell every word in either of those phrases. I was in 2nd grade; who cares.

This sudden feeling of being child like doesn't have anything to do with Christmas. Well, except, some evil asshole law firm just filed a motion that would require someone to work over the holidays. The response to the motion is due January 2, 2007. Lucky us we may have figured out away to ruin their --- lives. And yes if our strategy means taking grandma down, grandma's going down.

It feels good to be a tool for the man. Now, I'm going to drink some wine and think about what I can do to haunt my enemies' dreams. Don't worry I gotts my Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure, Federal Civil Rules of Procedure, and Bankruptcy Rules.

You're going down.


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