Exercise the mind, exercise the body
I'm still studying for the CA Bar. I found a library that I like. It's at the West L.A. Community College. Beautiful trees populate the campus. My favorite is a tree that has purple flowers. So cool. The library has a good balance of cool. The sun runs through the floor to ceiling windows. Yum.
My library is next to the pool I picked. I'm nervous about swimming with strangers because, well, I am not perfect. In KCMO I often swam by myself if I picked an early enough or late enough time. At the pool I picked, it has lap and recreational hours. I just have to put one stroke in front of the other and remember to not bump my head.
Yesterday, the weather in L.A. was awesome. It was an overcasted day. The sun completely hid behind a white haze in the sky. The clouds in effect filtered and cooled a potentially blazing sun. The beach's sand was probably about 67 degrees, fahrenheit, perfect for laying on. I rode my bike for about 10.5 miles along the beach. Then I shoveled sand around my bike's tires, and laid on my t-shirt.
I listened to the ocean, marveled at the grains of sand, and enjoyed the hazy sky. About 25-40 grains of sand covered the surface of my thumb nail. The sand reminded me of how connected we all are to each other. Where did the grains of sand come from? I imagine a person in Sri Lanka, thousands of years ago, skipping a rock across a river, the rock finding its way to the Pacific Ocean and some of the grains from the rock ending up here with me. How long did it take for one mountain to completely transform to these grains of sand? What is time? May be I was there watching the rock skipping across the river wondering where it would end up. I got on my bike and rode 2 miles to my car.
Too Much Sun by Kito Robinson
In the middle
The walls of my office
Absorbs the sun
And expands and pulsates
The cooled aired
Lingers in the system
Forced and propelled in
Separated from reality
I welcomed the good life
Misled by the conditions
My mother's land-sake betrays me
How will I survive
Screens chaperoned me
The mockery of my shield and my will
Water trickles down my system
Too late they howl, too late
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